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Make sentences in Simple Future Tense (will) with the given words.

*Cevaplarken noktalama işaretlerine dikkat ediniz. Kelimelerde bir harf hatası yapmanız bile cevabınızı yanlış olarak gösterir.

Mr. President / a speech / on TV / make / tonight (+)

Sezer / this afternoon / to school / come (—)

I / a horse / in the farm / next weekend / ride (+)

new pages / tomorrow / to my website / add / I (+)

Mr. Johan / what / at home / do / next weekend (?)

look after / Zeynep / our daughter / next Saturday (+)

Ayşe's brother / tonight / with her / come / to cinema(—)

correctly / you / how many / answer / questions (?)

repair / my broken toy / my father / tomorrow (+)

study / you / next year / English (?)

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