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Fill in the blanks by using "Simple Present Tense" or "Present Continuous Tense "

Many qualified nurses (leave) the profession these days because of the terrible working conditions.

This week we (sell) these scarves for five pounds, although we (normally, charge)six pounds fifty for each.

I (never, hear) the telephone ring when I (be) in the attic.

Jack is lucky. He (listen) to Brahms's music live at the Albert Hail at this very moment while we (sit) here in the office listening to the BBC orchestra on the radio.

The dinner is nearly ready. Mum (taste) the soup now. Normally we (wait) for Dad to arrive home, but we (eat) early today because we (go) to the theatre tonight.

Look! The waiter (wear) a stained shirt and they (not, collect)the dirty plates. No wonder few people (come) here any more.

Today, three Scottish villages (mourn) the death of seven local men at sea.

As a rule, I (wash) my car on Sunday at my mother's house, but today I (take) it to the car wash machine as I (not, have) time to wash it myself.

Every year many people (move) from the North of England to the prosperous South.

This powdered pudding is strawberry flavour, but actually, it (not, taste) fruity at all.

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