Home Beginner Intermediate Advanced Quizzes
Site henüz yapım aşamasındadır. Okuldaki öğrencilerimin faydalanması için ders konuları ve sınavlar eklenmiştir.

Aşağıdaki boşlukları "am, is, are" veya "am not, isn't, aren't" kullanarak doldurunuz.

Fatma in a building on West Street. (Positive)
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson in the concert hall? (Question)
Mehmet a soldier? (Question)
I and my father in the living room. (Negative)
My dog at home now. (Negative)
I a hardworking teacher. (Positive)
Your friends on the way to here. (Positive)
Veli good at basketball? (Positive)
I from Iraq. (Negative)
We interested in computer games. (Negative)

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