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Home > Tests > Beginner > How much - How many

How much - How many

En az 7 soruya doğru yanıt verirseniz bir sonraki teste geçebilirsiniz.

1. _____ jam _____ in the jar?

How many / is there
How much / is there
How many / are there
how many / is there

2. _____ money _____ in your bank?

How much / is there
How much / are there
How many / is there
How much / are there

3. _____ brothers or sisters _____ you got?

How much / are there
How much / has
How many / are there
How many / have

4. _____ flowers _____ in the vase?

How many / is there
How much / are there
How many / are there
How many / is there

5. _____ butter _____ on the plate?

How many / are there
How much / are there
How many / is there
How much / is there

6. _____ friends _____ she got at school?

How many / have
How many / has
How much / have
How much / has

7. _____ pieces of chalk _____ in the box?

How many / are there
How much / is there
How many / is there
How much / are there

8. _____ apples _____ you got in the basket?

How much / has
How many / has
How much / have
How many / have

9. _____ oil _____ Mr. Smith got in the car?

How many / has
How many / have
How much / has
How much / have

10. _____ teachers _____ in the teachers' room?

How much / are there
How many / are there
How much / is there
How much / are there

Sonraki Test: Much - Many - A lot of

Testle bağlantılı dersler:
How much - How many / Countable - Uncountable / There is - There are

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